On Friday June 12 we ended our school year with a beach bonfire at Doheny State Beach. The kids and parents surprised me with a song. One of the dads played the guitar and the kids gathered around me and sang a song to the tune of “The Octopus’s Garden” by The Beatles.
One of the kids wrote the song. It was one of the most special and unique things that has ever happened to me. Every teacher should be so lucky to have a child write a song for him or her as beautiful as this one. It came right from a child’s heart and expressed the joy and fun she had while playing and learning at school.
I have to share it.
“Serra Preschool” by Ryley Baily
(To the tune of the Octopus’s Garden)
We like to be,with Mrs. Nowicki
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals
She lets us in knows when to begin
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals
I’d ask my friends to come and see
Some Coffee Can theater with me
I’d like to be with Mrs. Nowicki
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals
We would be free below the tree
On our little rope swing beneath the leaves
Resting our head on our friends leg
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals
We would sing and dance around
Because we know we can’t be found
I’d like to be with Mrs. Nowicki
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals
We would shout and run about
And ride our trikes all about the yard
Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knowing they’re happy and they’re safe
We would be so happy with Mrs.Nowicki
With her always there to tell us what to do
I’d like to be with Mrs. Nowicki
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals
In the Serra Preschool yard with our pals